Interview with Burn The Evidence

Today, we sat down with Burn The Evidence talk about their start in music, their debut single, and much more! Be sure to follow them on social media below to keep in touch with the latest offerings from Burn The Evidence!


How did you get your start in music?

We all had the same start I think .. we wanted to play in a band younger .. and things got all aligned and we all went with a project , for myself , agent Roy and agent Jean , we were in a band called greta knights , angent rondeau and agent desormeaux were In a band called fractures and outlines. We all know each other from that era so here we are now 8 years later , our road crossed again , with the same mentality to build an experience for the fan, to do more than music

What type of music you were listening while growing up?

Agent Arsenault : while growing up my parents were listening to gypsy king, Andrea boccelli and Louis Armstrong . I still listen to those amazing artist and maybe it push me to take the vocalist spot(bocelli)! Around 9 -10 years old I started to listen to korn , linkin park ,slipknot and all those band at the end of the 90s. At 13 I was enjoying some good old through the eyes of the dead and doom ep from job for a cowboy! From there I listen everything man !

Tell me a funny studio story that happen to you and the band !?

It’s not a studio story but it’s a photoshoot story, we were shooting pictures in a school yard… it was like around 9.15 pm imagine drumstick in a little pool of blood , me in a suit tie and everything , max ,Eric and Dom were wearing a tactical vest… and like 4 days before that , a dude entered a mall with a tactical vest and guns… we heard footstep .. two police officer were walking toward us and while walking I here one of the officer say .. they have tactical vest… right there I’m like .. hey we are doing photos we are a band … hahahaha pretty sure they were ready to take out their weapons man..

What is you latest song or album that we can enjoy?

Our latest release is actually our debut single called bad influences , fresh of February 2023 . We are currently in the studio tracking our first full length and planning to release it around the start of 2024.

Where can your fan find updates about the band and follow you?

Hey fan! You can find every news and update on :
Tik tok


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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