Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1 to 3 Max Review

Faced with universal annihilation, the Justice League must team up with heroes from across time and space to battle the ultimate force of destruction.

I was able to watch all 3 movies of the epic sage from the Justice League series. I have enjoyed watching DC Animation movies in the past and reviewing them too. While I was scrolling on Max, I had seen that all 3 movies are out now for the Justice League saga. You know me, I couldn’t resist to check out the first movie. While I was watching the first movie, I was hooked hard. After the first movie, I continued to the next one and then the last one. Each one provided such an intensive approach to the DC universe that had characters I haven’t seen before or read about in a while, show up on screen. Watching those characters on screen was a dream come true to this chubby nerd!

The story provided enough details and plot in these movies that brought a tear to my eye. You read about stories like these in comics and books as they provide sufficient details and story to keep you hook to the next page. Well, the creative team behind these movies, provided enough detail and story in each scene which ignited my DC fire. Monitor is watching many of the Earth’s being destroyed by an Anti-Matter stream. Monitor organizes all the super heroes he can so they can find a way to stop the anti-matter stream and save the planets and the worlds. I will stop there as there are so many stories going on with characters in each movie that will have you scream in enjoyment.

Stop reading this review, go on Max and watch these movies! Best movies in the DC universe in years!


  • Story
    • I have to say the story for this epic 3 part movie saga is F’ng Amazing! I watched this movie saga in one day and was just amazed on the story. I felt like the story straight from the comics came out in droves on my television screen. With the timeline in danger for our heroes, multiple timelines actually with so many Earths, Monitor goes to all our heroes to find a way to save them. While they are working on ways to save each other, an Anti-matter wave is destroying Earths throughout multiple timelines. Monitor and our heroes try to find ways to stop the anti-matter wave.
  • DC Characters
    • Many DC characters came to the rescue to help the multiple Earths and timelines. You see characters that you haven’t read about in YEARS! Many of them making their first debut on television with the Infinite Crisis saga!



Rating: 10 out of 10

Watch Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1 to  3 on Max here: https://play.max.com/movie/11d122cf-f33d-43b5-97f8-95aa6c9896bc


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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