Train Sim World 4 Xbox Series S Review

Have you ever wanted to be a conductor for a train? I know everyone has wanted to pulled that imaginary horn and have said CHOO CHOO once in their life. Well, here is your opportunity to learn how to run a route for a train as well as discover a distant land you most likely never been to before. Train Sim World 4 bridges that gap in a life that hands you the seat of an engineer to run your own train.

We were able to get a digital review copy of Train Sim World 4 for our Xbox Series S. We were also able to get a few DLC’s to download for the game that included new routes as well. Both the game and DLC’s did take some time to download as each DLC was a bit over 10GBs, but nevertheless they downloaded. Once I downloaded the game and DLC content, I was able to register my account for the game and create my user name. Next, I started the tutorial to learn the controls of my character and handling a train. I was a bit never during the training as I never played a game with such magnificence, but I was able to learn and of course Ace my training.

Our Thoughts


  • DLC Routes
    • I didn’t realize how much travel you can do from a train in other countries. Your able to see so much beauty from the land around you. I never been to places like Lancaster or Dresden, but with the added DLC, I felt like a tourist while taking my passengers along these routes.
  • Graphics
    • The graphics were so smooth and detailed throughout each route and each individual train. I was amazed on the craftsmanship that is engineered into a train that is shown by the creative graphic designers of the game. There were times I was just walking around the sides of the train or staring out the window to view the world around me.
  • Trains
    • I felt like a child again playing with my trains during my childhood. This time though, I was guiding the trains on their routes to make sure passengers made their routes as well as discover a world beyond my own in Europe. I’m not a big fan of simulators, but I enjoyed myself a lot while playing this one. I am a train guy and this guy had a lot of fun.



Rating: 10 out of 10

Buy Train Sim World 4 here:


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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