Interview with Trickshooter Social Club

Today, we sat down with Trickshooter Social Club to talk about their inspiration to write music, type of music growing up and much more! Be sure to check out their music below after the interview!


What is your inspiration to write your music? Is it your surroundings?

We were blessed with families that filled our houses with hugely diverse
music. We owe a huge amount to having that backdrop. What continues to be
inspirational is how we come together to create. Being in that room with a
blank sheet of paper and walking out with a song, a piece, a part-you never
want that to end. There’s really nothing off limits. We jump on different
instruments-even ones we don’t really know how to play. Just trying to find
notes, chords, rhythms that interest us.And we just build from there.
What type of music did you listen to growing up?
As much as we were lucky to have families that gave us a variety of music,
both our geographical locations led us down some very unique musical paths.
There were underground house music scenes happening. Fuzzed-out garage
albums coming out. Pop punk was getting huge. The blues clubs were always
prevalent. Singer/songwriter artists were everywhere. Just walking down the
street you could poke your nose in bars and music clubs and be struck by some
many different kinds of genres. And if you listen to songs like “Honey I
Believe” from our new EP Monte Carlo, you’ll definitely hear a lot of those
Is there someone you looked up as a hero?
Tom Petty will always be our collective hero. He did things with three chords
and a voice that can’t be repeated. So simple. So spare. So unbelievably
honest. But even those it was spare, it had amazing instrumentation. Everyone
doing a small part, that was thoughtful and meaningful. No over-indulgent
solos are vocal gymnastics. They were all about serving the song. A motto
we’ve embraced. It’s not about one person doing a lot of things. It’s about
finding those small things that take part into big and interesting spaces. Mike
Campbell is one of the greatest guitarists to walk the earth. But the solo to
“Breakdown” is like seven notes. And one of the most memorable ones ever.
And that is the genius of Tom Petty.
If you weren’t a musician, would you be doing today?
We’re creative folks by nature and firmly believe that, like contributing to
humanity in some capacity, you need to contribute creatively. Put something
into the world. A painting. A poem. A line of dialogue. A quote. Something
that has your unique point of view. Your influence. And your take on
something. Anything. And we’d find a way to do that. Most likely writing and
working in the visual arts. But definitely creating and putting things out into
the world.
What advice do you have for our fans out there that want to create music?
Don’t’ be afraid of the blank sheet of paper. It is not your enemy. It is an
opportunity to put something down that means something to you. And if it
means something to you, it’s more than likely going to mean something to
someone else. As long is it’s honest and not trying to be something it’s not
people will respond. Make sure you capture every idea. Even the ones you
think are terrible. You never know where it will lead or who in the band might
be able to pick it up and run with it. Write it down. Record it on your phone.
We have passed each other four bars of humming a melody while in a car with
construction going on in the background. And they have turned into songs.
Also, never think a song is finished. To this day we continue to be humbled by

what can be brought to a song, at any stage, by anyone.



Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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