Interview with Factory

Interview with Factory

Today, we sat down with Factory to talk their inspiration to write music, heroes, and much more! We had a fun time with the interview and got to know Factory more as the musicians behind the instruments.


What is your inspiration to write your music? Is it your surroundings?

It could be anything, including the surroundings, or something you happen to read, or pieces of music you heard that are all jumbled up in your head. 

What type of music did you listen to growing up? 
I grew up in the fifties, when Rock n Roll started, and was fortunate to have 2 teenage sisters, who played my brother and I records by Buddy Holly & Elvis Presley. By the time we were about 10 we were discovering artists of our own.
Is there someone you looked up to as a hero?
My first hero was my Dad, later he was joined by Jimi Hendrix!
If you weren’t a musician, what would you be doing today?
I got a teaching degree, so maybe I would have been an English teacher. Glad I became a musician, though!

What advice to you have for fans out there that want to create music?

If you really want to create music, you probably don’t need much advice, but the most important thing is not to give up, and believe in what you do.