Girl I Never Was – Madelin Song Review

A discovery of a fantasy that comes true is something you will have to take the risk to explore. You may daydream of wanting to do something but until you really do, they will still be a daydream. Madelin took the risk and showcased a fantasy and then turned it into a discovery.

Madelin song Girl I Never Was is a song that showcases trying something new, trying out a fantasy to see if that fantasy is something you may like or just be a daydream. The song lyrics are deep and talks about wanting that fantasy and the discovery of living that fantasy. I enjoyed the 80’s type music with synthesizers and made the song more glam related. I enjoyed this song and it something you want to sing while relaxing. I adore the steps Madelin did and made this song as a self discovery that I hope influences others out there as well.

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Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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