Game of Thrones HBO MAX Review

Winter is Coming! The Stark family motto repeated many times by myself while watching the show. You snuggle up in your blanket when those words are uttered yet fascinated with those exact words. Winter is Coming! I was able to check this show out (finally!) on HBO Max and I have to say WHAT HAVE I MISSED OUT ON! Game of Thrones is a TV Show that gives a new meaning to Medieval Times as you watch on how each story is played out. The horror in the North and the terror in South produces a view on how Kings and Queens lived during those turbulent times.

I’m not going to spoil much in this review but I highly recommend to watch this show on HBO MAX! This review is basically a way for me to tell you “Go Watch Now” but never forget the words: Winter is Coming!

Here is the review:


  • Story
    • I haven’t been more hooked of a TV show in a long time than with Game of Thrones. The story takes you on a journey that gives each character time to grow and be viable through out each episode. The story stays fresh as each character has their own situation to worry about but there main arrangements is the who is leading Kings Landing. You watch on how politics is used in Kings Landing and in other parts of the realm. A story so far exciting that you can’t just stop watching!
  • Characters Arc
    • This is one of the rare shows that helped defined a character’s story which gave characters time to grow and build a story. You can sit down and know why Arya is doing that or why Littlefinger is doing the things he does. The story for each character is deep and fully involved with many characters in the story. A fantastic journey for a character displayed in this show!
  • Medieval
    • I enjoyed that this show was placed during the medieval times where they still had mythic creatures like Dragons, the dead rising and more. You felt engulfed with the lore provided in the show that had you aching for more to see what happens next.


  • Season 8
    • This is an exciting and fun show to watch but in the conclusion of what they were building, ended on a dud for fans. I wished the battle with the night king was the main attraction instead of the constant battle with Cersei. I felt her story ark should have ended a long time ago and should have been more of Daenerys and Jon Snow against the Night King.

Review: 10 out of 10

Watch Game of Thrones here:


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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