Screaming Chicken: Ultimate Showdown Steam Review

Screaming Chicken: Ultimate Showdown is a game that will have your jaw on the floor. You will be surprised on how fun and exciting the game can be! Yes, you heard me right! Screaming Chicken: Ultimate Showdown will become your next addiction! Where do I start? You may think the silliness of being a chicken that is using weapons to destroy other chickens in your area, but its fun! You want to win that game, you will want to blast that other chickens, and you want to explore the map.

We were able to get a review copies of Screaming Chicken: Ultimate Showdown on Steam. Out team were able to download them to their computers to play against each other on line. The game downloaded pretty fast onto our computers, while not being too spacy at the moment.

Here is our thoughts:


  • Party Game
    • This is a fun party game where you can play with your friends online even as 1v1 or 2v2. I was able to play against my other DTS team member online on a few maps. He played on his computer from his home, while I played on my laptop at my home. The game is fun; we didn’t expect it to have that type of atmosphere where you can fight against each other dressed as chickens. I giggled a lot at the silliness of that, but its so much fun.
  • Ton of Maps
    • I never seen or played a game with so many maps before! There is over 100 maps in this game in various environments, seasons, and goofiness. You can even create your own map in the game to use with friends. I didn’t create my own map though but explored a few of them while hunting my enemies. You can even use the map as a way to kill your enemies faster before you can blast them. You have to be in that right moment and then KABOOM. They die haha! Good times!



Rating: 8 out of 10

Buy Screaming Chicken: Ultimate Showdown here:


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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