Rugrats Season 2 Review Paramount Plus

Rugrats is one of the best shows for families to watch together at home. As parents, you want your child to watch a show that helps them solve small situations, garner more skills through imagination, and learn about a bigger world around them. Rugrats has been doing that for children and families since the early 90’s. Tommy and his gang of children go out into the world to solve their problems in way they know how to. They take you on their quests of play where they work together to solve a problem or help their parents in a pinch.

We were able to learn more about the new updated Rugrats show on Paramount Plus. Rugrats was given a digital makeover to showcase more of their creativity for this new generation. We watched two new episodes for Paramount Plus prior to the episodes being dropped on the streaming platform. We did a small review below of the episodes we had watched but we have already grew up with Rugrats in the 90’s. The episodes showed an updated visual look of Rugrats, but the show stayed the same. We heard the same voices and watched the imagination they used to succeed in each story. We were excited the show stayed true to its roots and focused on family fun and imagination for toddlers, children, and families.


  • Family Fun
    • I grew up watching Rugrats with my younger sister in the barrio. The stories from the episodes gave exercise to my imagination as a child. I would take those episodes I had seen and used my own imagination to them when I played. Now I have a family myself, so I knew Rugrats would be a welcome addition to our home. While watching the two episodes, I heard something that gave my inner child an excited touch. The voices of the characters are the same as I remembered! I was stoked to hear Chuckie’s voice exactly how I remembered as a child. I then learned Paramount brought back the same voice actors and actresses to voice the characters. With the new season of Rugrats, this is perfect for the whole family to watch in today’s age!
  • Imagination
    • The imagination used in each episode we saw was colossal! You feel like your in another world with that much creativity shown in the two episodes we saw. With Tommy leading the way, he and the gang went on grand adventures to help solve life’s toughest riddles. The amount of imagination used in the show is great for toddlers and young children. The capacity of learning for the toddlers and young children is ever growing, and with this new season, gives them a chance to grow their imagination in a safe and adventurous way!



Rating: 10 out of 10

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Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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