Robscure new track Neon Signs is out now! I was reached out by this young artist to check out his latest track. I was like sure, I’m always down to hear new music. Once I received the track and pressed play, I had to stand up and make sure the earthquake I felt wasn’t from the ground below. The connection of music to words launched a flow that had the repeat button on my laptop going wild. Robscure threw out bars in this track that spoke of stories that rocked the small couch I’m sitting on. I was jamming hard throughout the track with a beat that is simple yet spoke loudly when paired with the vocals and words from Robscure.
The music video showcased Robscure around actual Neon Signs that spoke to him through a way with the world around him. When you watch him rap around those signs in the background and in front of him, you visualize the stories that he speaks materialize. Robscure is able to conquer the area with his words around him like a sliding dresser effect. Your physically trapped with the devices and lights around us that constantly throws us into various walls of silent agendas. I’m Digging this track hard!
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