Musician of the Month December 2015

When you think of musicians, you often think of someone singing into a mic and creating art.

When you think of that art, somebody has to create an image, create an idea, and then paint that image onto a canvas.

This artist not only painted his art on that canvas, but has been painting more than one canvas at a time.

This person and is now the Musician of the Month for December 2015 is Loyal to 2the Game.

This artist has been not only thrown is art around through shows but also through the airwaves from

He has been on the radio, been online and talked about his view of music, but at the time he has taken a journey where music has taught him more than a book can.

Loyal has a great new mixtape out right now called Demo 2 and check it out! Music like this should be hung in galleries for the world to stare and be admired!


Like him on FACEBOOK and SOUNDCLOUD and enjoy his music, buy his music but listen to his words. Those words are the paint on the canvas that not only creates art, but creates that idea we see everyday.

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