Interview with Capside

Today, we sat down with guitarist Martino Faedda of the band Capside to talk inspiration to write music, advice for musicians, and much more.


What is your inspiration to write your music? Is it your

Music is medicine. Writing music is therapeutic, we feel like better people and smile at life.
A bass line, a happy harmony and the spark is lit. It’s all very simple, we don’t have to make big speeches, we immediately know what it takes to build a song from scratch. And if Valentina is inspired, the new song takes off.

What type of music did you listen to growing up?

As many genres as possible. I remember some wonderful afternoons with Neil Young, Dire Straits or Tears For Fears. Later metal took over my listening but soon I started listening to more crossover stuff, jazz fusion and alt rock.

Is there someone you looked up as a hero?

As a guitarist I loved Jeff Beck. A man in constant evolution. However, there are far too many names I would like to list. In principle, those who have influenced us are those artists with a certain aptitude for imagination, inspiration and surprise. We can mention Joni Mitchell, King Crimson or Steely Dan or Voivod.

If you weren’t a musician, would you be doing today?

I don’t know, maybe I would be a farmer. Tra noi c’è chi è appassionato della lingua sarda, chi divora libri, chi viaggia spesso in moto, chi coltiva un orto o organizza cene pantagrueliche per la famiglia o la banda

What advice do you have for our fans out there that want to create

Let yourself be guided by instinct. You need a bit of musical preparation and lots of listening to a thousand musical genres. Then the fingers will go by themselves



Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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