Interview with Brake Loose

Interview with Brake Loose

Today, we sat down with Alex Murillo, frontman for Brake Loose, to talk inspiration to write music, advice for musicians and much more! Be sure to check out Brake Loose music below after the interview on Spotify!


What is your inspiration to write your music? Is it your surroundings? Alex (frontman of the band):

I like rock music because of its revelry, but at the same time I also like jazz, blues, R&B and many other types of music, so I guess different genres, different beats or sounds that my selective memories captures and retains inspire me to create melodies and then put those melodies and write them down in paper, convert them into words, verses, etc.

I’m a poet, so I am a man of words, I dig the way how words let’s say look in a sentence, how they sound, how colourful they are, or can be (off course it all depends on the mind of the creator), but even how meaningless words might be, but how beautiful they can sound. How they can easily change the meaning of things or the context of a sentence depending on where you allocate them, or simply how puzzled they can leave your mind, just like Rimbaud.


What type of music did you listen to growing up?

From Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, to James Taylor (my dad’s favourite), Frank Sinatra, a bit of Merengue, Salsa from the Latino 80’s, as I am from Venezuela, and then on my early twenties I felt in love with blues, then rock’n’roll, rock, hard rock, acid rock, psychedelic rock, heavy metal and so on.


Is there someone you looked up as a hero? When I was a kid Elton John made me cry but he was not my hero. I don’t know maybe Jim Morrison.


If you weren’t a musician, what would you be doing today? I will be racing motocross, as I did back in Venezuela for more than 10 years. I love bikes, specially dirt bikes.


What advice do you have for our fans out there that want to create
music? Merge yourself or lose yourself in self-expression, but create, create anything that involves the arts as for me that’s one of the best ways to find meaning and discover who you are and what’s your purpose in this more than beautiful mystery we all call life.
