Interview with AGE OF FIRE
Silhouette of sailing old ship in stormy sea with lightning bolts and amazing waves and dramatic sky.

Interview with AGE OF FIRE

Today, we sat down with Greg C. Brown from Age of Fire to talk his start in music, stories from the studio and much more! Be sure to check out Age of Fire below on social media and on Youtube.



How did you get your start in music?

When I was 10 and first heard Back in Black by AC/DC I wanted to play guitar. Then it is was Iron Maiden, Dio, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, so many really. They inspired me, make me want to practice. I started performing at age 14 and was hooked for life. I has been trial and error and educational but nor sure I would change any of it ?

What type of music did you listen to while growing up?

Beatles, early U2, AC/DC, Chuck Berry, the Police, Men at Work, everyone mentioned in question #1, Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen. There was some popular stuff for sure but by the age of 12 I was getting pulled into what was going on in the underground.

What are fun stories you can share while you’re in the studio recording music?

I absolutely enjoy the whole process. It’s all fun. There really isn’t much I like more working together with a bunch of people to reach the same goal. As a song writer, and seeing your vision come together, it’s really an amazing thing. I’ve been working more on different amps, tones, modeling, blending my guitar tones with my Samick and Solar. Really creating a unique atmosphere.

What is your latest song or album you can share with us?

Our latest EP is called “Through the Tempest”. It is an independent release and you can download and stream on most major platforms around the globe. The title track is an instrumental. The EP opens with a tune called “Children of the Night”. It tells the story of the power vacuum in Transylvania when Dracula goes to London and werewolves take over. There is also a tune called “Mary Celeste” about the famous ghost ship. The EP closes with “Seeds of Tomorrow”. It is a song about the importance of our decisions today and how they affect our tomorrows, politics, global warming etc.

Where can our fans find you on social media for any music updates?

