Hypercharge: Unboxed Xbox Series S Review

Hypercharge: Unboxed Xbox Series S Review

We were able to get a digital key for Hypercharge: Unboxed for our Xbox Series S console. I was able to download the game quite quickly to my console and then played it right after. I was shocked on how damn good this game is! I was anticipating a children’s story of toys against each other, but instead, I got a full blown WW3 epic game. The story is fantastic as you and your team must stop Major Evil and his cronies from destroying the hypercore.

While playing the game, I enjoyed unlocking weapons, characters, levels, and much more. The fun and excitement in Hypercharge: Unboxed was a welcome relief as I enjoyed playing something different yet creative. I had my imagination in overdrive in each level discovering loot, weapons and more. Hypercharge: Unboxed is a game that you must understand that you may become addicted while playing the game. It was hard for me to put down the controller but for good reason. I dig it!

Our Thoughts


  • Story
    • I like the story as it reminded me of an old school comic book series. What is funny is that Hypercharge: Unboxed has scenes of dialog in a comic strip. The comparisons are fantastic though and your introduced to our villain Major Evil though. Major Evil wants to destroy the hyper core which keeps the memories of all toys. Your suppose to protect the hyper core’s throughout each level from those evil toys.
  • Multiplayer
    • I played Hypercharge as solo and as multiplayer and I have to say….multiplayer is where it’s at! I enjoyed talking strategy to people around me to overcome these waves of tainted toys.
  • Action packed
    • Man this game is action packed! Hypercharge: Unboxed reminded me of watching those older war movies on TV where there are air drops, tanks, troops and much more. They have those type of toys like army men but also spinners and action figures that come out like zombies.


  • Controls
    • The controls can be a little iffy with me as I’m switching between which items to build during building mode. I did get confused on jumping using the RB button where I’m used to like an X or A. The controls are a bit different and took myself a while to learn them during the tutorial and the gameplay.

Rating: 9 out of 10

Buy Hypercharge: Unboxed here: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/hypercharge-unboxed/9ngk4zhkbc8x