Gee Smiff Brings The World To You With Wave

Gee Smiff Brings The World To You With Wave

The changes we hear and see from our world is dark and confusing like the shades of a unforgiving mirror. The man helps you bring a disguise to look in the mirror and reminisce a time where the obvious fails. Gee Smiff brings out the mirror and smashes it to pieces with the song Wave.The song speaks to everyone that doesn’t understand the world around them. The world around them seems unreal as the news tinkers with our lively hood of knowing what is right or what is wrong.

There is no such thing as a safe route but Gee Smiff brings the out the real world with his song Wave. Wave speaks to you in a way that you see the world as an adult instead of the fairy tale we are brought up in childhood.

Wave brings the stage to truth and rolls over to the let you know that the bag of deceit is there but Wave will conquer all.

This is pretty good track and I dig it as well. The track is smooth and I dig the guitar solo at the end of the song. The lyrics are good and tell the story from within the song.

Check out more from Gee Smiff on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE and buy this track and support his cause on APPLE ITUNES and TIDAL. You can also add this track to your SPOTIFY playlist and you should because its a song you should be hearing!

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