Cobra Kai Season 3 Blasts into 2021 Review and Link

Cobra Kai Season 3 Blasts into 2021 Review and Link

With 2020 ending, the year 2021 entered into a bang…well maybe a roundhouse kick to the head! Season 3 of Cobra Kai was released to Netflix today on New Years Day. As many people were still waking up from their firework hangover, I binged the new season today on Netflix. This season provided my own firework hangover as the story continued from Season 2. With Miguel in the hospital, we were able to see what had happened with Johnny, Daniel LaRusso, Robby, Sensei Kreese and others from Season 2. Season 3 provided a hell of a welcome for fans to see something exciting to the start the new year.

We don’t want to spoil much of the show, but here I will discuss some key points from Season 3 that I enjoyed. You will need to sit down, grab some Coors Banquet and of course some popcorn to enjoy this season. You will laugh, cry and grip your pillow to this season of Cobra Kai.

Here is the review:


  • Sensei Kreese Origins
    • With Sensei Kreese taking over Cobra Kai, a few of the later episodes tied into his past on how he became the person he is. This goes back to when he was bullied when he was younger and in the military during Vietnam. This shows how he basically used those elements in order to create the core of Cobra Kai. This was very fascinating as it gave you a perfect look at who he was as a character and how it influenced his later years.
  • Tied Up Past
    • This season tied up the loose ends from Daniel’s trip to Okinawa to Johnny’s previous love Ali. This helped mature the sensei’s as they basically learned from their past in order to move forward. I liked that never said they “hated the past” but made sure the good overshadowed the bad from that time. I really enjoyed Daniel’s trip to Okinawa as he saw how the small village changed drastically but how the villagers were able to adapted to that situation.
  • Sam LaRusso Redeemed
    • Ok, I read a lot of hate for Samantha LaRusso on social media as the cause of everything from season 1 and season 2. I’m not denying those same feelings in that situation as well but I felt this season she has redeemed herself. She opened up about her true feelings from the situation of her, Robby, Miguel and Tory. You will see how her character grows throughout season 3 where you feel she has gained that conscience that we all wanted for that character.
  • Action
    • There was so much Karate scenes throughout season 3 that I felt it made up for 2020’s lacks of action in movies. Cough Wonder Woman 1984 Cough. I enjoyed the action and the build between the epic last fight between Tory and Sam. You can feel the emotion of them fighting for their livelihood that you just want to cheer for both. Also the fight scenes from John Kreese in Vietnam showcased a brutality as well of how he adjusted Cobra Kai’s theme to what it is now as well.


  • Hawk
    • My god Hawk was done dirty in this season! While he was the badass from Season 1 and Season 2, Season 3 showcased a different Hawk as he wasn’t really important for Sensei Kreese and his plans for Cobra Kai. He did get revenge on that bully by beating the crap out of him but eventually he fell out in favor with Sensei Kreese. I really didn’t like that and lets see how Season 4 will welcome Hawk.
  • No Badass Car for Johnny
    • Johnny had some badass cars in Season 1 and Season 2! This season, he really didn’t have a car but something that was stolen by Robby that he just kept. The car didn’t fit Johnny but it still was a vehicle for him to use to get around. I get that.

Rating: 9 out of 10

This season of Cobra Kai welcomed fans to see the continuing story of Johnny Lawrence finally adjusting to a future that a haunting past won’t be accompanying him. Daniel LaRusso was able to journey to his own past to see how that community has moved on to a future that is beneficial for them all. This season provided backstory for Sensei Kreese, tons of action and redeeming qualities for Samantha LaRusso character. I know there isn’t no badass car for Johnny but its ok. Hawk lost of his cool factor that he had from Season 1 and 2 and that was quite disappointing. Either way, this season continued an amazing story for the characters of Cobra Kai. You saw them continue to grow and fight for their own success in their eyes. I will be binging this show again as its just fantastic! You have story, growth, action, love, and the characters adjusting from seeing their own failures. I have enjoyed this show!

Watch Cobra Kai Season 3 here: